Nebraska R&D Tax Credit
The state of Nebraska has its own set of research and development tax credits to help local businesses invest in developing new products and services. Here’s everything you need to know about the Nebraska R&D tax credit so that you can make informed decisions about launching your own business or investing in others with these incentives in mind.
Nebraska Research and Development Tax Credit Explained
Nebraska offers an R&D credit that is essentially similar to the federal tax credits available under IRC § 41. It is a refundable credit equivalent to 15% or 35% of the federal incentive for eligible taxpayers.
In other words, a business firm that incurs research and experimental costs in Nebraska can claim the R&D tax credit, which is 15% of the federal credit. On the other hand, businesses that invest in research and experimental operations on the campus of a university or college in Nebraska or at a building owned by a university or college in Nebraska are eligible for a tax credit equivalent to 35% of the federal credit.
But if your company has R&D expenses in both Nebraska and other states, the tax incentive will be split. It will cover only the cost of Nebraska-based operations.
To apply for the Nebraska research tax credit, you must submit Worksheet RD and Nebraska Form 3800N. Furthermore, you need to electronically verify the employment eligibility status of all newly employed workers in Nebraska. You also have to disclose the address of every university or college where you conduct R&D operations.
How to Calculate Nebraska Research Tax Credit
If you conduct business solely in the state and only at off-campus locations, the amount is the federal credit multiplied by 15%. However, if you do business solely in Nebraska and only at on-campus sites, the amount is the federal credit multiplied by 35%. On the other hand, if you conduct similar activities in other states as well, the amount will be split.
Nebraska R&D Tax Credit: Takeaway
Businesses engaged in R&D activities in the state are eligible for the Nebraska research and development tax credit which is equivalent to 15% of the federal credit. The amount increases to 35% of the federal credit for companies engaged in R&D activities on a university or college campus.
What kind of companies can apply for an R&D tax credit in Nebraska?
Partnerships, LLCs, S-Corporations, C-Corporations
What is the deadline for applying for an R&D tax credit in Nebraska?
You must submit your application together with the Nebraska Tax Return.
What data do I need to calculate credit an R&D tax credit in Nebraska?
What information do I need to provide to file an R&D tax credit in Nebraska?
Federal R&D Credit Amount
Is credit carryforward an option in Nebraska?
Yes, up to twenty years.
R&D Tax Credits by State:
Alaska research and development tax credit
Colorado research tax credit
Connecticut research and development tax credit
Michigan research and development tax credit
Nebraska research tax credit
California research tax credit
Kansas research tax credit
Ohio R&D tax credit
Utah research and development tax credit
Massachusetts research and development tax credit
Texas research and development tax credit
Mississippi research and development tax credit
New Mexico R&D tax credit
Louisiana research and development tax credit
Vermont R&D tax credit
Pennsylvania R&D tax credit
Virginia research and development tax credit
Georgia research tax credit
Hawaii R&D tax credit
Rhode Island R&D tax credit
South Carolina research and development tax credit
Indiana research and development tax credit
Maryland research and development tax credit
Arizona R&D tax credit
Maine research tax credit
Alabama R&D tax credit
New Hampshire R&D tax credit
Illinois R&D tax credit
Arkansas research tax credit
Kentucky research tax credit