South Carolina R&D Tax Credit
Access to incentives is essential when choosing where to locate your research and development facilities. Fortunately, some great R&D tax incentives are available for companies operating in South Carolina. If you are planning to relocate your business or start a company in the area, it would be best to learn more about the South Carolina research tax credit and how it can benefit your organization.
South Carolina Research and Development Tax Credit
To be eligible for the South Carolina R&D incentive, you must claim a federal income tax credit (IRC § 41) for increasing research operations during a taxable year. Furthermore, you can claim it against corporate license fees, corporate income tax, and individual income tax. To apply, you’ll need to use SC Schedule TC-18.
To calculate the South Carolina R&D tax credit, you can use the requirements similar to the federal tax credit. However, you must apply them solely to your local QREs. In other words, the credit is equivalent to 5% of South Carolina’s QREs.
Furthermore, keep in mind that this incentive comes with a limit. Generally speaking, according to your tax liability, you must use the credit the same year you obtain it. In addition, after every other credit has been applied, your South Carolina research tax credit can’t exceed 50% of your tax due for the year.
That said, you are allowed to carry forward the unused credit for up to ten years. You can file an updated tax return for an out-of-statute year to claim a credit that can be carried over into one or more open years. However, the credit you carry over must be decreased by the amount you might have used in the years out of the statute.
How to Calculate the South Carolina R&D Tax Credit
The credit equals 5% of your SC QREs.
South Carolina Research and Development Tax Credit: Takeaway
If you increasingly conduct research activities in South Carolina, you qualify for the R&D tax credit the state provides. Regarding QREs, South Carolina relies on IRC § 41 but computes the credit entirely on costs incurred in the state.
What kind of companies can apply for an R&D tax credit in South Carolina?
Partnerships, LLCs, S-Corporations, C-Corporations
What is the deadline for applying for an R&D tax credit in South Carolina?
You must submit your application with the South Carolina Tax Return.
What data do I need to calculate credit an R&D tax credit in South Carolina?
Claim period South Carolina QREs (Qualified R&D Expenses)
What information do I need to provide to file an R&D tax credit in South Carolina?
Federal Form 6765 and South Carolina QREs for the current year.
Is credit carryforward an option in South Carolina?
Yes, up to ten years. However, there’s no carry-back option.
R&D Tax Credits by State:
Michigan research and development tax credit
Delaware research tax credit
Kentucky research tax credit
South Carolina research tax credit
Utah R&D tax credit
Vermont R&D tax credit
New Jersey R&D tax credit
Minnesota research and development tax credit
Pennsylvania R&D tax credit
New York research and development tax credit
New Mexico R&D tax credit
Kansas R&D tax credit
Rhode Island research tax credit
Maine research and development tax credit
Arizona R&D tax credit
Maryland research tax credit
New Hampshire research and development tax credit
Connecticut research tax credit
Florida research and development tax credit
Hawaii research tax credit
Nebraska research and development tax credit
Mississippi R&D tax credit
Texas research and development tax credit
Wisconsin R&D tax credit
Alabama research tax credit
North Dakota research tax credit
Illinois research tax credit
Arkansas research tax credit
Indiana R&D tax credit
Colorado research tax credit
Louisiana R&D tax credit
Iowa research and development tax credit
Virginia research tax credit
Georgia R&D tax credit
California research tax credit
Massachusetts R&D tax credit
Alaska research and development tax credit
Ohio research and development tax credit
Idaho research and development tax credit